Some Peddler’s Village shops are struggling
Some shop owners in Peddler’s Village say they are struggling to keep their businesses afloat because of prolonged road construction at the Route 24-Fairfield Road intersection, which has been closed since Feb. 13.
The work comes on the heels of intersection improvements at the Camp Arrowhead Road-Route 24 intersection. The small shopping center, anchored by JD Shuckers restaurant, is located between Lewes and Long Neck.
Shawn Beard, owner of Nifty Pickle, said his business is 20% of what it has been. To make matters worse, the sign with his business name has been taken down and he can’t put up any banner flags because of the construction.
Five businesses, including Dollar General, in a shopping center across the road from Peddler’s Village are also impacted by the construction.
“We were told the work would be done in early April, and now we are told it won’t be done until late May. I’ve only been open nine months, and I am really struggling now,” he said.
Delaware Department of Transportation officials have confirmed the completion date is just before Memorial Day.
There are entrances to the 11 Peddler’s Village shops and stores, but they are not easy to identify, Beard said. “And the road to our side is closed down,” he added.
He said a detour has been posted that sends traffic into a nearby neighborhood. “I’ve seen 18-wheel delivery trucks riding through the neighborhood,” he said.
“Even my regulars are not coming because they say it’s too much of a hassle to get in here. They say it’s not worth it,” Beard said. “I’m trying to stay positive and hold on to make it to summer.”
Next door at the Peddler’s Village Barber Shop, business is also down. “We are having a lot of downtime we are not used to. We are usually busy as the only walk-in barbershop in the area,” said Danielle Wessells. “People are just not sure how to come into the parking lot.”
The work, part of the ongoing Route 24 widening and intersection project, includes improvements to the roadway, and water and stormwater piping. The signal at Route 24-Camp Arrowhead Road-Fairfield Road will also be upgraded.
Store owners were sent a letter from JJID general contractors with information about the project and contact information. “We did have someone stop by and tell us who to call if we have concerns,” Beard said.