
Something stinks in Sussex, not the manure

September 2, 2022

I read with interest the article about how Councilman John Rieley allowed a developer to donate truckloads of topsoil as well as labor and equipment use, valued at over $10,000, to spread on his family farm to improve stormwater management system and pastures. This struck a nerve with me, since Sussex County quietly cut a deal with our developer, Russ Huxtable of Milford Housing, to haul topsoil out of my neighborhood in the Anthem subdivision and eliminate a stormwater management system from the approved development plan. In exchange, they left us with a hole in the ground and a stagnant swamp. Shame on Sussex County Councilman John Rieley, Milford Housing and Russ Huxtable. Something really stinks in Sussex County, and it’s not just the cow manure in Councilman Rieley’s pasture!

Linda Adornetto


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