
Southern Delaware Orchestra seeks donations March 7-8

DoMore24 Delaware statewide giving campaign supports nonprofits
March 4, 2024

The Southern Delaware Orchestra has been recognized as a bright new voice in southern Delaware, aiming to enrich the cultural offerings of Sussex County and surrounding areas. Since its inception in early 2022, the orchestra has grown into a welcoming community of more than 40 string musicians who gather in fellowship and music each week to learn and create high-quality repertoire.

SODELO has already put on six concerts for 3,000 attendees, performed 60 pieces, begun the transition to a full orchestra including winds and percussion, and collected 100 instruments and other music supplies from donors to distribute to Sussex County students.

As a volunteer-driven organization, SODELO needs support from generous folks who love the arts. Donations will help pay for performance venues, and its music director, concertmaster and soloist stipends as well as regular operational costs like insurance, music rentals, concert marketing and promotion.

The first $8,050 in donations from the Do More 24 Delaware fundraiser will be matched by its leadership team, and the orchestra has sat a total campaign goal of $20,000. SODELO is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on promoting the arts and performing, and donations are tax deductible.

Do More 24 Delaware is a 24-hour day of giving designed to help nonprofits raise money and engage new donors. It brings the statewide community together for 24 hours each year to focus on supporting nonprofits that make Delaware a great place to live, work and play. This year’s event will take place from 6 p.m., Thursday, March 7 through 6 p.m., Friday, March 8. To support the Southern Delaware Orchestra, go to

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