
Southern Delaware Tourism offers new ambassador training online

Program seeks business partners to provide firsthand experiences
June 21, 2024

Southern Delaware Tourism and The Tourism Academy have partnered to bring Tourism Ambassador training to Sussex County frontline workers and interested community members.

This free, online training program includes details about why tourism is so important to Sussex County and an overview of resources available from Southern Delaware Tourism to assist visitors, guests and customers.
Topics include Southern Delaware Tourism: Who We Are, What We Do and Why We Do It; an in-depth look at the SDT Visitor Guide and Fun Facts to introduce future tourism ambassadors to aspects of the Sussex County experience they may not be familiar with; and info about SDT’s SouthDel Sidekick App, a native app with GPS functionality that can be used to find tourism info on the spot and generate suggestions to share with visitors, guests and customers.

“This program is a great way to get frontline management, staff and interested community members up to speed early in the season, particularly new employees who may not be familiar with Southern Delaware or the tourism industry,” said Scott Thomas, Southern Delaware Tourism executive director. “Even experienced managers and staff will boost their knowledge of all Sussex County has to offer as well as their confidence in working with visitors, guests and customers.”

Thomas highlighted the program goals: to ensure all visitors to the area and local businesses feel welcomed and get full answers to any questions; receive knowledgeable referrals for activities, restaurants, entertainment, tours and adventures; and become inspired to explore and return to the area.

SDT is seeking businesses interested in providing discounted or free experiences to tourism ambassadors so they can share authentic, firsthand knowledge of the attractions, sites, experiences and activities available locally when they are assisting visitors.

Businesses supporting this program by having their employees take the course and/or by providing rewards will benefit in two ways. A more knowledgable, helpful staff will be able to ensure their guests and visitors receive top-notch customer service, thus encouraging repeat visits. Also, businesses providing rewards will receive referrals from tourism ambassadors based on personal experience, the most valuable type of referral.
Business representatives who want to participate by providing rewards may contact Southern Delaware Tourism at 302-856-1818 or

Frontline managers, employees and interested community members may enroll in the course at

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