Spreading the word about fire prevention
Extremely large crowd attends Lewes Fire Department third annual open house at Station 2
October 26, 2022
Lewes Fire Department hosted its third annual Fire Prevention Open House at Station 2 in Nassau Oct. 20. The event attracted hundreds of families to take part in a variety of events, including a scavenger hunt for children who went from station to station to compete for prizes.
Participants dressed up in firefighter suits, learned how to hold a fire hose, navigated a smoke house, learned CPR, crawled inside fire trucks and an ambulance, visited with Sparky and even decorated cookies.
Firefighters provided demonstrations on the use of vehicle-crash extrication equipment and fighting an actual fire. Sussex County paramedics also took part in the event, demonstrating the use of their equipment.

Lewes firefighter Joe Esposito gets a hose in position so other volunteers can put out the fire blazing behind him.

Calvin Dunning, 3, of Rehoboth Beach gets some help from Lewes firefighter Steve Shevock as he uses a fire hose.

The annual open house gives people – especially youngsters – a chance to view the variety of equipment and vehicles needed to keep communities safe.

Corey Kennedy, Beebe Training Center coordinator, shows Adeline and Charlie Cox of Lewes the proper CPR technique.

Lewes Assistant Chief Jason Stadler breaks out a window as the first step to extricating a victim of an automobile crash.

Lewes volunteers (l-r) Preston McCall, Anthony Koot, Jason Stadler and Ed Rush demonstrate how they use extrication equipment to get into vehicles to remove victims.

Lewes firefighter Christopher Colpo gets some up-close time with his 3-month-old English Bulldog, Goose, who attracted a lot of attention during the open house.

Firefighter Joe Esposito gets into full gear, including a mask, to familiarize youngsters with what a firefighter looks like at the scene of a fire.

Volunteers Caddie and Cubby Joseph have been spreading the word about fire prevention for many years.

Fire prevention committee member Vincent Talino hands out some of the variety of fire prevention items.

Lewes Fire Department Station 2 on Janice Road in Nassau is filled with people attending the third annual fire prevention open house.