
St. Jude the Apostle offers perpetual eucharistic adoration

October 29, 2016

Since its founding more than 12 years ago, St. Jude's Parish has had a program of Jesus in the exposed blessed sacrament - which was much expanded in February of 2011 and then established a year later as perpetual, round the clock adoration. Hundreds of persons now come regularly to the Adoration Chapel to spend time in prayer with Jesus - day and night, throughout the week, from 6 a.m. Monday through 12 p.m. Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Some adorers are assigned to specific hours; others come as frequent or occasional visitors. The number of visits per month now averages in the thousands, and the chapel ledger in which adorers record their thanksgiving for blessings and favors granted abounds with testimonies of prayers answered.

One does not have to be a member of St. Jude's Parish to come to the Adoration Chapel. All are welcome at any time. To sign up for a specific hour of adoration to make arrangements to come to the chapel between the hours of 7p.m. to 7 a.m., call 302-703-2419.

St. Jude The Apostle Parish is truly thankful for the very large and generous response to the call to adore Jesus in the most blessed sacrament, which will continue to bring immeasurable blessings to individuals and their families, to the church, to the community, to the nation and to the world. The St. Jude community looks gratefully forward to ever more persons coming to the chapel, day and night, to be in the company of Jesus - whether for five minutes or an hour or more.

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