
State of the Inland Bays report to be highlighted Oct. 27

October 21, 2022

The public is invited to attend the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays Citizens Advisory Committee - Citizens Café at 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 27, to learn about the latest data assessing the health and economic value of the Inland Bays.

Attendees will also gain insight about the center’s strategic priorities for 2023-25, and how the data will further guide its efforts to protect and restore the bays.

The hybrid meeting will be held in person at the center’s office, 39375 Inlet Road, Rehoboth Beach, with a virtual option via Zoom. Preregistration is required. To sign up, go to

Every five years, the State of the Delaware Inland Bays Report is updated with the latest scientific assessment on the health of the Inland Bays and their watershed. From water quality to climate to human health risks, the suite of environmental data collected over long periods of time is instrumental in determining how the bays are changing and how much progress has been made toward restoring these vital resources. Andrew McGowan, CIB manager of estuary science, will share key findings from the 2021 State of the Bays report, set to be released in early 2023.

in collaboration with the Delaware Sea Grant College Program, the center has produced another key resource available for communities, decision makers and concerned citizens. The newly released Economic Value of the Delaware Inland Bays report captures just how valuable the bays are for the health and well-being of Sussex County and the state at large. It further supports the critical need to protect these resources. Lisa Swanger, CIB director of outreach and education, will share highlights from the report.

CIB Deputy Director Anna Fagan will lead the discussion of the center’s 2023-25 strategic planning.

“The findings of the 2021 State of the Bays and Economic Valuation reports demonstrate how urgent it is to ensure the accelerated restoration of the Inland Bays,” said Fagan. “Our new strategic plan identifies objectives and actions that will help the center accomplish this, and we look forward to sharing them with the CAC and the greater community.”

To learn more, go to

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