
State needs to revamp surf-fishing tag laws

May 31, 2021

I am writing you to draw attention to a lack of regard in the state’s policy for resident and non-resident surf tag regulations. As the rules read, there are special accomodations for seniors and first responders, all which are well deserved. But no accomodations are made for the disabled/handicapped. I have been a longtime surf tag holder until I recently became disabled. I, along with many other handicapped people, would love to be back out on the beach fishing. As a form of therapy and to get back some of the things I did before my job injury.

Is it more important to sell out-of-state tags to people who visit the Delaware shore, who most only use the permit occasionally or to drive on with their families and not actively fish?

The park rangers are overwhelmed and cannot check for proper equipment or if people are not fake fishing. We would like to have an opportunity to get tags and participate in the sport for a small piece of normalcy back.

Brian Scott Johnson
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