
Support teachers, students, schools March 26

March 19, 2024

Two years ago, I helped with school registration in Cape Henlopen School District. I run the mentoring program for the district, so I didn’t help because I’m a registration genius, but because 350 new students showed up to register the week before school. The regular staff was swamped. That was a very high number, but not unheard of for the district. In the last decade, the district grew by more than 1,512 students and 167 staff members. 

People are moving from everywhere to live in the Cape Region and, obviously, it’s not just retirees. Our schools are full almost as soon as they are built. 

The referendum, scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, is to support operating expenses: utilities, personnel, maintenance, transportation, instructional materials and supplies, technology, and special education services. It would also allow for the purchase of land for the relocation of the district office, the construction of a natatorium and a bus maintenance facility. Planning for the district’s current and future needs by buying property now is smart budgeting. Let’s face it, land isn’t getting cheaper and there is less of it available for things like schools every year. The district office move would allow for a much-needed expansion of the high school where the space crunch is being felt most acutely.

Addressing these issues will only strengthen our schools. Strong schools and quality education strengthen our community and help attract resources, such as doctors, to the area. 

Please vote to support our teachers, students, schools March 26. For more information, go to

Kim Hoey Stevenson


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