
Sussex Academy’s charter status should be noted

December 20, 2024

On Dec. 7, the Cape Gazette published an article regaling the achievements of Sussex Academy students when compared to other public schools in Delaware. The article failed to mention that Sussex Academy is a charter school funded by local and state taxes, but only available to a small selection of students who must apply to gain entrance. 

Other public (non-charter) schools in Delaware admit all students who reside in their attendance areas. They do not pick and choose the students they serve. 

When a student attends a charter school, the money for their attendance comes from their home district. This means that the home district loses public funds and (often) highly motivated students and families. 

I am not disparaging the hard work of the educators at Sussex Academy. I simply feel it is dishonest of the Cape Gazette and other publications not to provide the full story to readers. A charter school is like a doctor who gets to pick and choose their patients and then claim amazing success rates, all the while taking money out of the system for the greater good. 

Karianne Sparks 

Editor’s note: The article that appeared in the Dec. 13 edition was a submitted press release from Sussex Academy, not a staff-written story. Sussex Academy holds a lottery to select the students who will be invited to enroll for the upcoming school year. 

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