
Sussex legislators have priorities backwards

August 9, 2024

We can’t get our legislators to do anything about our trash issues in Sussex County, but we can have a unanimous vote on a state alcoholic drink. I believe our priorities in Sussex County are backwards. We need to put more emphasis on safety on our roads and the negative ecological effects of trash on our roads and waterways instead of having a state alcoholic drink. I have to say it’s very frustrating to speak to legislators in Sussex County about our trash issues and nothing gets done.

I want to end by touching on our roads. What has happened to being courteous on our roads? I get it, you want to get to the beach, Boardwalk, etc. I was young once myself. To me, you can get there just as fast by following the laws and speed limits. So let’s enjoy our beautiful beaches, and be kind to one another.                  

Billy Lemon


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