Sussex P&Z hears plans for Paradise Meadows near Milton
At its Oct. 27 meeting, the Sussex Planning & Zoning Commission heard plans for a new cluster subdivision along Cave Neck Road southeast of Milton.
Plans for Paradise Meadows, near King Cole Drive, include 191 single-family lots on 96 acres of land, which includes four acres of wetlands, 23 acres of woods and 69 acres of farmland.
Jim Fuqua, attorney for developer CNR Land Investment LLC of Churchill, Md., said large buffers are planned for the wetlands area along Beaver Dam Creek on the western border of the property. Building setbacks from the wetlands would average 165 feet, he said.
A 30-foot buffer would be in place along a small area of wetlands along Cave Neck Road near the community's entrance. “The buffer areas will be undisturbed preservation areas,” Fuqua said.
Also included in the plans is a 30-foot landscaped perimeter buffer. Fourteen acres of trees will be preserved.
Proposed amenities include a clubhouse, pool and deck, patio, playground and three neighborhood parks. Pedestrian pathways will connect the parks and provide walking trails. Amenities must be constructed on or before the issuance of the 95th building permit. The average lot size would be 8,806 square feet and open space consists of 43 acres.
Central water would be provided by Artesian Water Co. and central sewer by Artesian Wastewater Management.
Fuqua said the proposed subdivision complies with the county comprehensive plan for low-density housing and it meets the superior design standards in county code.
Fuqua said Delaware Department of Transportation officials did not require a transportation impact study, but the developer would be required to pay $18,300 – based on $10 per daily vehicle trip – into DelDOT's area-wide study fund.
He said the developer would be required to improve Cave Neck Road along the frontage of the property with 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot shoulders, and the developer would also be required to contribute to the DelDOT improvement project at the Hudson Road-Sweetbriar Road-Cave Neck Road intersection.
No one spoke in opposition to the proposed subdivision. Following the public hearing, the commission deferred a vote to a future meeting.