Sussex Teenage Republicans elect new officers
The Sussex Teenage Republicans held elections for the 2021-22 executive board at their June meeting.
Ben Parsons was elected chair and Max Fadden vice chair. Mike Peranteau is the new treasurer, and Mason Schaefer is the new board secretary. Previous Chair Gus Fadden will serve as an ex officio member. This board will serve for one year.
Guest speaker was Miguel Perez-Fabar, a local Cuban-American, who described life in Cuba after the communist takeover of the country. He spoke of the human rights violations and restrictions on freedoms that he experienced after the revolution that removed Fulgencio Bastista, the country’s president.
The club’s next meeting will be a visit to Fort Delaware Sunday, Aug. 22. The historic fort sits on Pea Patch Island in the middle of the Delaware River. Constructed in the mid-1800s to protect Wilmington and Philadelphia from enemy attack, the fort served that role through World War I.
For more information about the club and the trip to Fort Delaware, go to