This past week I caught Suzanne Goode in the act ... in the act of doing good, picking up litter to make Rehoboth Beach safer and better for our environment.
She is setting a good example for the rest of us who should be active litter picker-uppers, given the increase in trash with more summer tourists.
Goode is running for Rehoboth Beach commissioner, and if she wins, perhaps she will be able to improve the tattered image of our city government.
She may be able to get the mayor and other commissioners to do something good for the environment as recommended by RB's Environment Committee. These low/no-cost ideas should be top priority: Develop a climate action plan that would include supporting renewable, no-carbon-dioxide energy like solar panels on the roofs of all city government buildings and offshore wind. And zero-pollution electric vehicles for the city fleet, powered, of course, by clean, renewable electricity.
The CAP plan should also include a no-idling ordinance without the loopholes in the state’s anti-idling law. Vehicle idling adds to air pollution and global warming. Idling is also an invitation to vehicle theft.
Given the sizzling temperatures locally and around the world this summer, it is high time we get good leaders and citizens to take action on climate chaos.
While federal and state tax incentives are available for clean energy projects, now, another good policy is to put a price on carbon, with a dividend to each family, called carbon fee and dividend. Join
Charlie Garlow
Rehoboth Beach
Rehoboth Beach