
Ted Becker leaves a lasting legacy

October 11, 2024

Carolyn and I were saddened to read Ernie Lopez’s text to us early Monday morning telling us of Ted Becker’s passing.

Ted had gone out of his busy way in 2014 when we moved permanently to Lewes to meet for breakfast to welcome us and to give us an overview of Lewes’ recent past and current affairs. My first impression was that of a rather shy, courtly, rare for our times, gentleman. He didn’t come across as a politician and, in fact, never mentioned that he was mayor. 

In the years to come, he seemed to act more as a commonsense mediator than mayor particularly during the contentious arguments over the renaming of Fourth Street and the siting of the net reel. When others were hurling baseless accusations, Ted was the calming adult in the room or wherever the interests and image of Lewes were at issue. For a man with enough financial resources to retire into a life of ease, Ted exhibited limitless energy to the benefit of the town and the people he loved. 

We last saw Ted in late May at a memorial service for a mutual friend, a former president of our HOA. Ted was the only person there who wasn’t a neighbor or a relative. He and our friend had first met as adversaries but quickly formed a relationship of respect and, ultimately, friendship. I’m sure Ted had many other options as to how to spend that Saturday night, but he spent it celebrating a friend and consoling a grieving family. I hope when it comes time for Ted’s memorial service that the hundred’s of his friends and the people he served so well and so long will reciprocate and celebrate his memory, his friendship and his dedicated service to Lewes.

Rest well, my friend.

Richard Claypoole
Pinehurst, N.C.
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