With only about 1,000 words of dialogue in the entire movie, “Bambi’s” creators chose voice actors with care. Young Donnie Dunagan provided the voice of young Bambi for the 1942 animated classic. Dunagan later entered the military, becoming the youngest drill instructor in the history of the Marine Corps. He kept his acting career a secret, fearing he would be nicknamed Bambi.
While deer are wonderful in cartoons, they are the bane of gardeners. One of the most common problems is deer eating flowers and vegetables. You can put up fences, scarecrows and even mesh netting, or you can plant deer-resistant varieties.
Vegetables that deer simply do not like to eat include all members of the onion family, such as chives, onions, garlic and leeks. Chives can be tucked into vegetable beds or even put in among potted flowers to discourage deer.
Deer generally avoid all varieties of squash (Cucurbita spp.) so you can grow zucchini, acorn squash and pumpkins with little fear of losing your crop.
Thanks to bitter leaves that are somewhat toxic, deer also avoid potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). You can grow potatoes in large pots, garbage cans or even hanging potato bags.
Deer often destroy flowerbeds, especially tulips. There are some flowers that deer will steer clear of.
For shady areas try astilbe. With elegant tall feathery plumes of white, red and lavender, the 24-36-inch tall astilbe flowers are held above graceful fern-like foliage. Does well in shade or semi shady areas. Astilbe are quite hardy and are perennial in USDA zones 4-8.
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a good choice for the sunnier garden, though it too can tolerate some shade.
Deer-resistant annuals include ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum) whose blue flowers will attract butterflies and pollinators such as honey bees to your garden. Ageratum makes a nice long-lasting cut flower. Dusty Miller (Ageratum Centaurea cineraria) has grey leaves that add a nice touch to borders, and are not at all tasty to deer. Dusty Miller will keep blooming even after you cut the center stalks.
The common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is not only deer resistant but comes in all sorts of colors and heights, from dwarf 1-foot tall to towering 12-foot tall flowers. Sunflowers are not just yellow, and can be found in reds, whites, and even stripes. The sunflower seeds are an added bonus for birds at the end of the blooming season. Many gardeners cut the seed heads and store them for winter bird feed or just leave them hanging on the dead plants for a more natural, though decidedly messier bird feeder.
Fragrant sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima) is a familiar, low-growing annual ground cover that is deer resistant. Besides the common white sweet alyssum there are purples such as Rosie O’Day. Alyssum is easy to grow from seed and blooms throughout the summer.
All marigolds (Tagetes species) are deer resistant and have the added bonus of discouraging root attacking nematodes. Plant marigolds among your tomato plants for a colorful and healthier vegetable garden.
Just as deer will stay away from certain plants, they will come in herds to eat others. Deer feast on roses. Even thorny roses will have their tender new growth eaten before the thorns mature enough to harden. Like most new growth, the tender buds of roses have more nutrients.
You can spray plants with odor-type deer repellent or plant rugosa roses. These are hardy roses with leathery, tough leaves that do not appeal to deer. Also the strong musky clove fragrance of rugosa rose blossoms helps keep the deer at bay.
Plants that deer love and will devour include rhododendrons, azaleas, plums and tulips. Like tough plants with delicate flowers it takes true strength to be gentle. As now retired Marine and voice of Bambi Donnie Dunagan says of his fellow Marines “The strongest guys I’ve known in life would pick up a wounded baby kitty on the side of the road.“