One of my favorite things about working collaboratively with all of our Beebe Healthcare team members is listening and learning about the “wins” in different areas throughout our healthcare system.
Beebe leaders start every meeting and every gathering by asking their teams to share three wins, which are recent examples of great stories highlighting our patient-centered culture.
Sharing great stories about our patients and their care inspires all of us no matter what department we serve.
The stories are full of gratitude and describe Beebe team members providing great compassion and excellent care. The three wins start all of our meetings on a positive note.
As we begin another year, many of us pause to reflect on our lives and make some resolutions. It is a perfect time to set some reasonable goals that will help us all focus on the positive things in our lives and strive toward being more grateful. I suggest you consider choosing to celebrate and be grateful for three wins that are so relevant to all of us: our doctors/nurses, our caregivers/families, and our local nonprofit community healthcare family: Beebe Healthcare.
Win No. 1: The doctors and nurses in our life who take care of us, from a common cold to surgery. I continue to be even more grateful as I witness our clinicians working longer hours to meet the increasing needs of our community.
I am impressed by how they never stop learning professionally as they adopt new procedures and embrace new innovations, making all of our lives better! They are committed professionals who always put us first in their lives, even sometimes before their own families.
Win No. 2: Our caregivers and loved ones who are there to take us to appointments and procedures. They are there to help us change bandages, put drops in our eyes, make us soup to help us feel better. Where would we be without our caregivers and loved ones who help us as we recover and struggle with our own sicknesses, whether they are minor or chronic?
Win No. 3: Beebe Healthcare, our local community nonprofit healthcare system. Beebe is creating the next generation of care by bringing new technology and facilities to support the excellent talents of its clinicians. Beebe’s plans represent a $200 million investment in our community.
For over a century, Beebe has been committed to taking care of us, our families and our neighbors. Now, with a new specialty surgery hospital located near Route 24, and a new emergency department and cancer center in Millville, Beebe will be closer to so many of us.
As you begin your new year, please pause and reflect on your own doctors and nurses, your loved ones who take care of you when you are sick, and Beebe Healthcare, your healthcare family. Starting this new year, starting each new day, starting every new conversation with wins which will no doubt make us happier and healthier!
I wish you and your loved ones a Happy, Healthy New Year!
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of individuals, local businesses, corporations and private foundations. Please contact Beebe Medical Foundation to make a gift; go to or call 302-644-2900.
Tom Protack is president of Beebe Medical Foundation.