
Trash should be on candidates’ agendas

August 2, 2024

Thank you to Vivian Fisher for her recent letter on DelDOT and trash. I have written several letters on this issue over the past 11 years with no real results from the state or DelDOT. The funny thing is the state and its agencies do pick up trash on the roads in Kent and New Castle counties. We have a lack of will issue in Sussex County, not a lack of skill issue. I have come to the conclusion that Delaware cares about packing in the tourists at our beaches more than the beauty of our beach towns. It is very sad, as under better leadership, we could do both. So, here is my take on this: I will only vote for candidates who have our trash issues in writing as part of their election agenda. We talk about all the education needs in our schools in Sussex County; maybe educating our young students about the negative effects of trash should be part of the improved education plans.  

Patty DAngelo
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