
UUSD to screen ‘Immigrant Prisons: A Series of Documentaries’ March 6

February 23, 2020

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will screen “Immigrant Prisons: A Series of Documentaries” Friday, March 6, 6:30 p.m. at UUSD, 30486 Lewes-Georgetown Highway, Lewes.

The film, which runs 56 minutes, was produced by Brave New Films. There will be a discussion following the film. Jessica Clark will share information about The Asylum Seeker Project of St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Milton. The film is free and open to the public.

This documentary series shows the various facets of the growing problem of immigrant prisons.  The series looks inside these prisons and the lives of the inmates and their families. 

Mac Goekler, co-chair of UUSD’s Social & Environmental Justice Committee, who formerly lived on the southern U.S. border and has Mexican-American family, knows this issue well. He says, “Latino immigrants by virtue of having native American ancestry are more ‘American’ than people like myself. Yet we treat these people as second class and do not provide them the simplest of human rights. We learn from these documentaries that immigrant prisons are, in fact, a large money-making venture.” 

For more information, go to or contact Mac and Susan Goekler at

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