
Vanderwende's ice cream coming to Dewey

Bridgevill-based ice creamery looking to open by May 1
March 5, 2015

Story Location:
Dewey Beach, DE
United States

After receiving a favorable vote by the planning commission, Vanderwende’s Farm Fresh Ice Cream appears to be coming to Dewey Beach.

The Dewey Beach Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of allowing the popular Bridgeville-based ice creamery to open a second location during its Feb. 28 meeting.

Shop owners Jesse Vanderwende and his fiance Taylor Vanvorst made a brief presentation to the commission detailing proposed changes to the commercial space on the northeast corner of Bellevue Street at the Route 1 intersection. The ice cream shop would be seasonal, open May 1 to Sept. 30.

The couple had to go before the planning commission because an ice creamery, which falls under the definition of an eatery, is considered a conditional use.

Commissioner Mike Harmer said it was nice to see a business come to town that was not alcohol-related.

Commissioner Don Gritti complimented the applicants with the thoroughness of the paperwork submitted to the committee.

“I’ve never seen an application with so many dots on i’s and t’s crossed,” he said.

As part of the commission’s favorable recommendation, the shop would not be able to sell any alcohol-related items.

The applicants still have to get final approval by town council, but the group appeared to be in favor of the business during a Jan. 24 council meeting.

It sounds like a great business, said Commissioner David Jasinski during the previous meeting.

As of the morning of March 3, there is a public hearing scheduled for 10 a.m. during the March 14 town council meeting.

Board organization

The planning commission meeting was the first since long-time commissioners David King and Jim Dedes stepped down and the members put in place the board’s organization.

Commissioner Mike Paraskevich will be the chairman. Harmer will be the vice chair. Commissioner Marty Seitz will be secretary.

The board is still looking for a seventh member.

Seitz said there is an advantage to having seven people on the board, and anyone with planning and building expertise who is interested should contact the town.


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