VegWinterFest slated March 16 in Lewes
VegRehoboth will host the 4th Annual VegWinterFest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, March 16, at the Lewes Public Library.
This free event welcomes everyone to explore plant-based living through expert speakers, engaging discussions, exhibitors and a vibrant community gathering.
VegWinterFest will begin with a gentle yoga and meditation session.
Guest speaker Paul Williams, chief meteorologist at Coast TV, will share his humorous personal testimony on how switching to a plant-based diet transformed his health.
“A few years ago, I found out I had prostate cancer, completely by chance. I went in for my routine bloodwork, and the results came back with elevated PSA levels. After a second test confirmed that my PSA was abnormally high, I immediately followed up with a specialist. My urologist ordered a biopsy, and soon after, I was diagnosed. They call me the Prostate Cancer Guy because I happen to be that 1 in 8 men who has been diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, I’m fully recovered and alive to share my story and help other men prevent and/or overcome this illness,” said Williams.
There will be a panel discussion moderated by a local wellness strategist and including individuals who have adopted a plant-based diet, along with a board-certified physician in family medicine, obesity medicine and lifestyle medicine who champions whole food, plant-based nutrition as a powerful tool for disease prevention and reversal.
Another panel of political and community leaders will discuss pressing issues such as avian flu, community composting, food waste and local development.
During lunch there will be a question-and-answer session on plant-based cooking and baking. To guarantee a seat, guests are encouraged to preorder lunch at