The Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park fanned out on Earth Day April 22 to spruce up the east side of Lewes.
“It’s about what the Earth is giving to us and what we can give back to the Earth,” said John Bracco, past president of the Friends.
With trash pickers and bags in hand, volunteers hit the parking lots and sand at Johnnie Walker and Savannah beaches. They also cleaned up trash along Cape Henlopen Drive and Savannah Road.
“You’ll find little bits of plastic,” said Gavin Braithwaite of the Friends. “Don’t think they’re unimportant, because sea life can ingest it.”
Bracco said this was the fourth year the group cleaned up the Lewes beaches on Earth Day.
He said the FCHSP’s next big event is their National Trails Day cleanup in the state park on June 1.