
Vote the Democratic ticket in Delaware

October 28, 2022

I am the proud daughter and niece of World War II heroes. My dad survived his ship being torpedoed off the coast of North Africa. My mother’s oldest brother, a Marine, was awarded the Purple Heart on Iwo Jima. My mother’s closest brother flew in the Pacific, then was a POW for nine months in Korea and later flew Vietnam out of Dover. I learned the love of my country and what that really means from those whose courage gave us the freedoms we enjoy today.  

My parents’ generation, The Greatest Generation, would be heartbroken that the country they were willing to give their lives for is now suffering the fools and cowards that are today’s Republican Party. My parents cherished the land, nurtured their children and respected women. They revered our country, not just its flag. 

Look where the Republicans have drifted – nationally and right here in Sussex County. What have those whose job it is to represent us been doing on their watch? They protect developers, not our environment. They support the gun lobby, not the children in our schools. They crow about freedoms, but think that the government should control women’s reproductive decisions.

Vote. This is a consequential election. Send those who truly believe in this county and this country to Dover. Vote the Democratic ticket. 

Carol Kashow


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