
Voting is mainstay of free society

April 30, 2024

Is the ability to properly vote for a candidate or a choice (as the latest referendum is asking) crucial to a fair and democratic process?

Yes, vote! It's the mainstay of a free society! Why don't more people vote? I wonder why not?

The Cape Henlopen School District’s one-page spread in the Cape Gazette's April 23 edition states the requirements for voting in the latest upcoming referendum.

Listed under qualifications to vote are four requirements: being a citizen of the U.S. and Delaware, being age 18 or over, being a resident of the Cape Henlopen School District, and that you do not need to be a registered voter to vote.

Under proof of identification and address, a lack of a person's proof of identity and address does not preclude them from voting! Wow!

Rob Feleccia

Editor’s note: Persons who do not present satisfactory proof of identity and address may be permitted to vote upon majority vote of the inspector and the two judges.

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