
We need a strong leader like Nikki Miller

July 5, 2024

Delaware continues to fall behind in its educational ranking. Our public schools are struggling, but this trend doesn’t need to continue. We need representatives who care about students, teachers, education and the positive impact that good, strong public schools can have on a community. 

This is why I support Nikki Miller for state representative in District 20. I have been fortunate to work with Nikki in different capacities over the past seven years, and I have the utmost respect for her. Nikki is full of integrity and has a strong work ethic. She isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and do the hard work that’s needed to create change. Nikki is a problem-solver and a doer. She is open-minded and willing to listen. I have had many conversations with Nikki about education and student needs, and I have witnessed Nikki’s love for her students and education countless times. It’s clear that she genuinely cares about students, education and creating successful members of our community.  

Nikki is a strong leader. She made running an entire high school full of students and staff look easy. She has years of educational experience, and she is passionate about creating positive change in education. I believe our students deserve more, they deserve better, and with Nikki Miller as a state representative, they have the chance of getting just that. 

Kasey Lynn-Gadzinski


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