Weather’s hot, but we fish anyway
Well it’s been a boiler of a week here on the fringes of Satan's kitchen. It’s hot, but we fish anyway. Being near the water helps with the temperatures, especially if there’s an east wind. If there is a W in any of the wind directions expect the flies to be an issue. The little black march biting flies will wear you down on exceptionally hot days with little to no wind.
A windless day is just as bad as a west wind day for flies.
The fishing has been good but the increased temperatures are pushing water temperatures up. Fish are looking for cooler waters but they are still feeding pretty well. The surf has been hot for kingfish, spot, croaker, bluefish, sand perch, puffers, cusk eels, and pompano. Some days are better than others and not everyone is catching. Many are still casting too far and over the fish.
Fishbites have been the bait of choice. They are working well and so much easier to deal with than normal bait like squid or bloodworms which are also working.
The Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier has been on fire for spot on most days. Great fishing for the kids, too. There have been small stripers, bluefish, flounder, croaker and the usual small suspects.
Check in with the shop at the pier for what is happening that day. Offshore action has been good for most of the anglers heading out: tuna, tilefish, mahi, and sharks. The charters are your best bet to get out and catch unless you have a friend with a boat - and knowledge.
Flounder fishing is still busy for short fish and the occasional keeper. Offshore action is getting better than inland bay or inshore action.
Wrecks and reefs have been producing with triggers in the mix. Pond hopping has been productive for top-water action in the mornings and evenings. There are a lot of big bugs flying around, match the hatch for that and catch some fish. Fly fishing has been very productive, even in salt water.
The DSF's Summer Surf Fishing Slam Series 5 was last weekend. Many fished but only a few caught fish that qualified. Never fails on tourney day: The fish are much smaller. One of Murphy's Fishing Laws. Our winners are Michele Trotter (69 points), Jonathan Martin with 22 points and Bill Elborn coming in at 18 points.
Adding spot to the list helped a few anglers get on the board and add to their overall scores. Slam Series number 6 is on July 28th. This has been a fun tournament to follow this summer.
There are still some gator blues in the area and once in a while they will blitz the beaches.
For the most part they seem to be feeding in the Lewes Canal and area creeks and rivers. Then the move into the bay, most likely to follow the fish.