The red-orange Dolle’s sign is ablaze in Kevin Lynam’s sunrise photograph. It’s an homage to the iconic fixture, which is slated to be moved from its perch on the Rehoboth Boardwalk to a site to be determined.
“It's not every day that you get a chance to shoot a stunning sunrise from the top of the Dolle's rooftop,” said Lynam.
Dolle’s owner Tom Ibach announced in December 2020 that the candy store would close its Boardwalk location after nearly a century and will move roughly 100 feet to the west and be a part of Ibach’s Candy by the Sea.
“Like many in our town, I sure am going to miss this sign in our gorgeous Boardwalk skyline,” said Lynam, who added that he’s been taking photos for about a year. See more of his work at