Ask The Trainer

What can I expect to gain from working out?

October 1, 2011

Q: I would love to have the time to work out on a consistent basis, but my busy lifestyle makes it seem impossible. Sometimes I wonder if spending six to eight hours a week in the gym is worth the effort all in the name of vanity.

A: No one ever said working out and getting in shape was easy. It takes time, effort and dedication to get the results most people are looking for. But I can promise you that people who have paid the price and reaped the benefits of a healthy lifestyle would tell you looking good is only a small piece of the overall results they’ve received for their efforts.

So if you don’t want to experience the following side effects, be sure to give up and replace your workouts with a more leisurely activity.

Look 20 years younger
As we get older, our hormone levels decrease and our metabolism slows down, causing our bodies to lose muscle and retain fat. In fact, people who don’t work out can expect to gain an average of 1 pound a year and lose a half pound of lean muscle. Most people accept this and consider it a normal part of the aging process that they have no control over.

Not true. Lifting weights and eating a healthy diet can counterbalance aging by boosting hormone levels and stalling the aging process, allowing you to look 10-20 years younger than your actual age.

Prevent deadly diseases
Living a sedentary lifestyle and eating lots of processed foods, sugar and bad carbohydrates will cause you to gain weight, putting you at much greater risk of unpleasant health issues such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer and more.
In fact, studies show health risks for women increase substantially when their waist size reaches 35 inches and for men at 37 inches. That’s why it’s important to take care of your body, keep your weight in check and stay in good shape with weight training, cardiovascular training and a healthy diet.

Have a better quality of life
When most people think of getting older, they conjure up a picture of feeble old men and women who can hardly get around without the aid of a wheelchair or cane. Don’t fool yourself; it doesn’t have to be that way. Making the right lifestyle choices can ensure that you will stay active, strong and ready to live life to the fullest regardless of age.

Experience greater self-confidence
If you like what you see when you look in the mirror, you will be more confident in every aspect of your life and will carry yourself differently than if you were insecure about your appearance.

People who work out tend to be more confident at work, at home and in social situations, because they are more comfortable in their own skin.

They also understand that hard work can achieve results even when it doesn’t come easy and are less likely to give up on their goals.

Enjoy more energy
One of the most common side effects my clients experience as they lose weight and get in shape is increased energy.

This is mainly because both weight training and cardiovascular training promote the release of chemicals in the body called endorphins. Endorphins can increase your energy and give you a natural high, leaving you happier and more motivated to accomplish your goals.

As you can see, working out and staying in shape have so many more benefits than just looking good, it would be crazy to consider them a waste of time. But if you don’t like feeling young, healthy, confident and energetic, by all means quit.

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