Why do some people react negatively to weight loss?
Q: I have recently lost a lot of weight, and I am completely surprised and caught off guard by the comments and criticisms I’m getting from some of my friends and family. Have you ever dealt with this with your clients?
A: If you have lost weight you're probably familiar with the annoying comments people make as they try to deal with the discomfort of realizing you did something they have not yet achieved. But don’t let it get you down, because behind these negative comments is a positive message you should take as a compliment rather than as an insult - you just have to read between the lines.
Don’t get too thin
I can’t tell you how many times people who could stand to lose a few pounds tell others who have worked hard to get in shape not to get too thin. Most people have a distorted perception of what levels of body fat are normal for optimum health, and this leads them to make poor judgments. America is one of the most obese countries in the world, and health experts estimate that 55 percent of adult Americans and at least 45 percent of children are overweight. To the average person you might look thin, but chances are you are right where you are supposed to be. People may have a hard time adjusting to the new you, but keep plugging away because chances are they will be asking you how you achieved such good results.
You’re no fun anymore
Despite what people think, getting in shape takes sacrifice and commitment, and you will have to change what you eat and cut back on drinking to get the body you have always dreamed of. That doesn’t mean you have to do it forever; it just means you can’t eat poorly all the time. In many cases, those who accuse you of being boring are the same people who complain about gaining weight. Remember, misery loves company, so be prepared to be tested. If you are up for the challenge, you will be an example of what can be accomplished with a little willpower.
I’ll bet you don’t eat
The truth of the matter is, people who work out and get in shape eat more than those who don’t, because their bodies need the food to fuel the fat loss and elevate the metabolism. Research has proven that eating less frequently causes lack of judgment, cravings and binge eating, and can be a major reason for obesity and weight gain. Eating more frequent, smaller meals stabilizes blood sugar levels and has been proven to help people drop weight. So whenever someone thinks you look good because you starve yourself, just laugh and continue eating five to six meals a day.
You looked fine before
Nothing stings more than someone dismissing your hard-earned accomplishments by suggesting that you now look worse than you did before you spent hundreds of hours in the gym getting in shape. When you take your body to a new level, it means they no longer feel comfortable around you because you are a constant reminder of their bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle. Don’t let it get you down; they will get used to it, and it’s mostly their own insecurities that cause them to make negative comments.
The bottom line is people sometimes have a hard time accepting the new you because it reminds them there are no excuses, and they too could change their lives and become healthy and fit. It takes time, commitment and hard work, and until they are ready to commit to all of these things, you will be a constant reminder of what could be with a little hard work and a healthy diet.