The rezoning application for Wil King Station, a 76-lot subdivision planned for a 29-acre parcel along Wil King Road near Lewes, has been withdrawn. In a Nov. 24 letter, David Hutt, the attorney for applicant Double DB LP, wrote that due to comments from the public and the Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission, his client had decided to withdraw the application.
A Nov. 30 public hearing before Sussex County Council had been scheduled.
On Nov. 18, the commission passed on a unanimous recommendation to council to deny the proposed rezoning of the parcel. The proposal had been for two zoning designations – AR-1, agricultural-residential, for a 6-acre northern section and MR, medium-density residential, for a 23-acre southern parcel, with a residential planned community overlay for the entire parcel.
Making the motion to deny the application, Commissioner Kim Hoey Stevenson said high-density development is not appropriate for the area, which is primarily low-density residential housing.
“There is no other MR zoning and this would create spot zoning, which is disfavored,” Hoey Stevenson said. “Nothing in the record shows MR zoning is more appropriate than the AR-1 zoning that exists on the property.”