
Williams, Ritzert officially join Lewes council

Bonnie Osler named city’s new deputy mayor
August 15, 2020

Andrew Williams and Tim Ritzert were sworn in as Lewes councilmen Aug. 10 at city hall. 

The swearing-in ceremony was preceded by a brief recognition of outgoing Deputy Mayor Fred Beaufait and Councilman Dennis Reardon. 

“We thank you both for your service and all the things that you have done,” said Mayor Ted Becker. “As anyone who’s been a member of city council knows, this is not a once-a-month job. It’s frequently a very long week with many meetings. I know both of you worked hard and diligently to make sure that the city has been in good hands.” 

Reardon was elected to council in 2013. He said it was an honor and privilege to serve the city.

“I’m very proud of what city council accomplished during the seven-year period of time,” he said. “And it’s not just me, it’s the whole group. I thank the citizens and I wish everyone well going forward.” 

Beaufait joined council in 2011. He thanked his wife Lois for allowing him to serve. He also thanked city staff for their help when council struggled with difficult issues. 

“I feel very good about the things that we accomplished during my nine years,” he said. “It was a productive and rewarding nine years, and it was a privilege to serve the people of Lewes.” 

At the regular meeting a few hours later, council positions were reorganized. Bonnie Osler, the second-longest serving member of council behind Becker, is the new deputy mayor. She previously served as treasurer. Rob Morgan was promoted to council secretary, while Williams was appointed to the treasurer role.

Committee appointments

Beach parking committee: Morgan and Ritzert

Downtown parking committee: Becker and Williams

Finance committee: Osler and Williams 

Bicycle and pedestrian committee: Ritzert and Williams 

Greenways and trails: Ritzert

Historic preservation architectural review commission: Osler 

Parks and recreation commission: Williams 

Planning commission: Becker and Osler 

Police review ad hoc committee: Morgan and Osler 

Public art committee: Williams

Mitigation planning team: Becker and Morgan 

Lewes African American Heritage Commission: Morgan

Traffic safety committee: Ritzert and Williams

Historic byways committee: Ritzert 

Liaison to Sussex County: Ritzert and Williams

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