
Without renewable energy, all life is threatened

June 3, 2022

It’s heartbreaking to read about the recent deaths of over 150 eagles; they are stunningly beautiful birds who mate for life and typically live over 20 years, lives filled with integrity and grace.

However, let’s remember the enormous contributions of wind and other kinds of renewable energy. Without renewable energy, all life is threatened, not only by air and water pollution, but by climate change, the most urgent challenge before us, one well documented by over 2,000 of the world’s leading climatologists.

Although we lost some glorious bald and golden eagles, we’ll lose much more if we do not quickly transition from fossil fuels, from non-renewables. Let’s do all we can to support wind and solar and other renewable energy, and let’s do a better job of properly positioning the wind turbines. At Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania, where thousands of eagles and other raptors migrate every year, the wind turbines on nearby ridges capture the wind and little else.

Peter Kleppinger McLean, Ph.D.


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