Women’s Club of Milton gives activity boxes to local schools
The Cape Henlopen School District Creative Mentoring Program recently received a gift of activity boxes and stuffed bears from the Women's Club of Milton.
The items will be used to support students in the mentoring programs at Milton and H.O. Brittingham elementary schools, enhancing their educational experience and creative development. The donation is made in loving memory of one of the club's esteemed members, Wanda King, a former teacher in the district.
“We are so grateful for all that you do for our students,” said Kyle Bentley, H.O.Brittingham principal. “The Women's Club of Milton has long been committed to enriching the lives of children in the Milton community, and this donation exemplifies their dedication to this cause.”
The activity boxes, filled with educational materials, games and resources, aim to enhance the mentoring experience, and foster the academic and personal growth of students participating in the program. The bears are made by club mentors. Each one is hugged before being donated to the schools where they are available as extra support for students.
Several club members also volunteer as mentors in the Milton elementary schools.
“Last year, while working in the program, [club members] noticed the activity boxes seemed a little tired and needed a refresh, so these members suggested refreshing the boxes as a community project,” said Debby Pecoraro, club president. “Enter the King family.”
Wanda King was a passionate advocate for education and a founding member of the Women's Club of Milton. She was instrumental in starting the club’s first scholarship and a reading tutor program at the library. When she passed away in February, her family suggested funds be donated to the women’s club in her name, and those funds were used to create the boxes.
“We fully intend to keep them well stocked as needed over the coming years,” said Pecoraro.
The Women's Club of Milton is a dedicated group of community-minded women who work together to enhance the quality of life in Milton through various projects and initiatives. The Cape Henlopen School District Creative Mentoring program plays a crucial role in nurturing young minds and empowering students to reach their full potential. By providing mentorship, guidance and educational resources, the program helps students develop essential life skills and achieve academic success.
For more information about becoming a mentor in the Cape district, contact Kim Hoey Stevenson at mentoring@cape.k12.de.us.