Women's Clubs host Holiday Open House at Wash. D.C. headquarters
Nearly 400 members, partners, friends, and neighbors embraced the holiday spirit at the General Federation of Women’s Clubs Holiday Open House Dec. 10 in the Washington, D.C. headquarters. Attendees enjoyed light refreshments, hors d'oeuvres and an array of desserts while celebrating the season with old and new friends alike.
Delaware State President Henrietta Belcher-Stack and a large contingent of members and their guests from Delaware attended.
This year, Exalted Ruler Eileen Loftus of Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 was invited to attend and had an opportunity to meet other women who share her enthusiasm for volunteer spirit and community awareness all over the East Coast.
GFWC Community Service Programs and Special Projects focus on major issues - supporting women’s health, preserving natural resources, promoting literacy and equality, and encouraging volunteer service. There are 23 clubs throughout Delaware.
Anyone wishing to be of service may contact the Delaware state public relations and communications chairwoman at bjy324@verizon.net or 302-945-1936
Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, by undertaking projects that address unmet needs, and by honoring the service and sacrifice of veterans. If interested in joining a Delaware lodge, contact Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 at 302-645-7016 for more information.