
WSFS Bank hosts community art show

Millsboro bank opens after-hours for local art reception
May 22, 2016

The Millsboro location of WSFS bank recently hosted a community art show and after-hours networking opportuity featuring local - sometimes staff -artists showing their work to benefit Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding.

The bank auctioned a print of the 19-by-60-foot NC Wyeth mural "Apothesis of the Family" to benefit the local equine-assisted therapy organization run by WSFS Executive Scott Swingle's wife Jennifer.

"The bank called and asked if we wanted to do a fundraiser, and it was doubly nice," Swingle said. "We were really excited to come out and fill the bank and see a big community of people here."

The yearly outreach invites the community into the bank for business networking as well as an after-hours featuring art from the local Millsboro Art League, the Nanticoke River Arts Council and artists like Jen Zezenski, who also works as an associate at WSFS.

"It's very nice that I get to be on both sides of the teller line," Zezenski said. "Our company has gotten together and got the community to come into the bank."

The original work by NC Wyeth was commissioned in 1929 and hung in the WSFS headquarters on Market Street in Wilmington from 1932 until the corporate headquarters moved in 2007, and the bank donated the original to the Historical Society of Delaware.

From the vantage point of WSFS associate and art show bartender Julie Marr, the event was just another aspect of what her employer does best; connect with the community.

"This is the second networking fundraiser to connect with the community after-hours," Marr said. "Outreach is our top priority."


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