Xi Sigma presents check to Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group

On April 11, Xi Sigma Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi presented the proceeds of their year-long Service Project, a $1500.00 donation to sponsor the Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group at Cancer Support Community Delaware for the upcoming year.
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Group, which meets monthly on the third Thursday at 6 p.m., provides a forum, for women with a metastatic diagnosis, to discuss specific issues. This donation is to honor and remember Xi Sigma members whose lives are touched by cancer.
In addition, during the 2018-19 year, the members of the chapter collected clothing for the Baby Pantry at the Community Resource Center, and food and supplies for pets at the Brandywine SPCA. The Ways and Means projects were donations both from Xi Sigma members and and from the community at fundraisers at Pat's Pizza and Green Turtle, both of Lewes.