The Advantage of Golf for a Young Athlete
I have been playing golf for about three years, and some of my favorite memories are out on the golf course. When you get the feeling of hitting a close shot or of breaking 100 for the first time, it builds a desire to go out and break a new record. Whether it is hitting a great shot or just spending some time with my dad and brother, those are things I will remember my whole life. Golf has shaped me as a person, helped me to have the right mindset and helped me to be more independent.
There are many advantages of golf for a young athlete. I have personally experienced many positives from playing the game. I have felt the ups and downs of playing this sport. I have gotten so angry that I wanted to throw my club, and have been so happy that I wanted to jump up and down. All of these experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. These experiences will help your child as well. If I had not learned how to deal with anger at a young age, I don't know how I would handle frustrating situations in the future. The anger I experienced from golf helped me to realize that it is just a game. Sure, I would love to post a great score on the golf course – who wouldn't – but when I go back and reflect on that later, I learn though that it was nothing. Who remembers the round I played three weeks ago? No one. What really counts, though, is what it taught me. It showed me that it is just a game and that even if I don't play my best it will not affect who I am.
When entering a tournament, I go in thinking that I am going to win. I don't care if I am the worst player in the field. That is what every player should think and golf can help people get into that mindset. The more confidence you have in yourself, the more likely you are going to play to your potential.
For instance, yesterday I was out on the course playing and I had a 10-footer for bogey (I was not playing very well). When I walked up to that putt I knew I was going to make it, and sure enough it went straight in. Now, on the other hand, in that same round I had a 3-footer, and there was a line that I that I just couldn't figure out. I missed the putt because I did not have the right mindset or the confidence that I was going to make it. The one thing you cannot do is think you're going to lose. If you come in with a good mindset, then you will be more likely to play to your potential.
One thing that I love about golf is that there is no coach to tell me what I have to do. Sure in high school there are coaches, but they are not over my shoulder telling me where to putt or what club to hit. It is ultimately up to me to make the decisions about what to do. Sometimes I choose the right club or the right line and other times I don't. This makes me feel independent and confident that I can make good decisions, and when I don't, I can learn from my mistakes. Someday that will transfer into my working career, but for now I will just stick with golf. If you want to read more about confidence, go to my article on Why Golf will Help your Child's Confidence.
I hope you have seen how golf has helped me become a better person. If you have enjoyed this article, go to my website If you want to get updates on new posts, sign up for the mailing list.