I've come a long way since I started this blog in January 2012. Nearly 150 posts later and here I am, the proud mum of two beautiful children.
Droolface is nearly 4 and Jane aka Birdy is 14 months. It's been an amazing time working on this blog and meeting other moms and their babies. I have learned so much. I have enjoyed sharing my stories here.
But, I need a break. Between a full-time job, a part-time job, two kids, a husband, Master's Degree classes, and various side freelance projects, I am running full-tilt most of the time. I have decided to take a step back and enjoy life before it runs away from me.
The blog - adventuresindrool.com - has been taken down and any future posts will appear exclusively here or on the Facebook page, which I will keep up in order to share parenting news and tips.
I will close out here in David Letterman fashion with my Top 10 list of blogs from the past few years.
10 - The glories of kale and potty training
8 - Make your bed!
7 - My quest for the perfect, non-toxic kid’s cup
6 - Toxic Thursday: What the what are phthalates?
5 - 'Tis the season to be outside
3 - Adventures in Drool: Always more love
2 - The sarcasm tree
Thanks for reading the blog and I hope to be back some day with parenting tips as my two little ones grow. Keep up the good work and I will see you around the playground!