There come times in our lives when we stand at a crossroads.
You see, I generally am the kind of person that goes with the flow. I want people to be happy, so I tend to be easy-going.
In the business world, I try hard to succeed and be an example to others. As a journalist, I try to be honest and concise. As an Avon representative, I try to be friendly and outgoing.
In addition to my day jobs, I also wait tables at night. I try to be the fastest waitress on two feet.
As in all things, it doesn't always work out the way we planned.
Why do I try so hard? Well, it is how I was raised.
Sometimes it's hard to keep all my roles straight. It is hard to keep everyone's expectations in line and know who I need to be for which job.
But, since I've become a mother, my role has become more clear – I am a mother. I protect my child. I provide and serve as a role model for my child.
Sorry, but the rest of you are definitely taking a back seat.
There is nothing like the motherly instinct when her cub is in danger. There is also nothing like the instinct to run and be with your little one when bad things happen.
With the explosions and chaos in Boston fresh in our minds, I urge you to reconnect with your family. Try to build a happy home and be a role model for your children.
Don't get too caught up in the media-storm of coverage. Instead, sit down with your kids, talk about right and wrong; talk about the future and tell them how much you love them.
Make today the important day instead of always putting it off until the future.