This cookbook is alive—alive with festive food, friendship, family, fun, health facts, delicious recipes and fabulous photos! It will keep YOU alive and well, too!
Jane Esselstyn and Ann Crile Esselstyn have given us a fairytale come true. As a backstory, Prince Charming has already triumphed*over the SAD (Standard American Diet) dragon, but like Medusa, the SAD dragon’s deadly head keeps popping up in every household, hospital, school and beyond. Enter our fierce Plant-Based Woman Warriors who boldly wield their delicious recipes to show us how to quell the SAD dragon once and for all!
If this sounds too corny to be true, just whip up their tasty quick and easy CORN GAZPACHO! We did and the SAD dragon is gone for good at our house!
Of course, it may take more than one Woman Warrior dish to do the trick. But now you have all you need to launch the battle against the SAD dragon. We’ve been fans of the Esselstyns for over a decade and know they and their fierce, bold, delicious ways are tried and true.