The beauty, and harshness, of nature in winter
December 23, 2020
We live in the midst of so much beauty, no matter the time of year. Here are a few photos I’ve gathered from the past couple of weeks.

A kayaker makes the most of the setting sun on the same night as the full November moon. The next full moon will be on Dec. 28. Might be a little chilly then for kayaking but you never know.

Nothing like a good scratch! This fox greeted me in my front yard last week. Next photo is the same fox. Nature can be heartbreaking at times. This fox is lame in his front right leg. I watched him crossing Bethel Cemetery along Savannah Road in Lewes a day later, the one leg useless but the other three motivating him pretty well. He, or she, will have to use all of her cunning to catch food this winter.