
Cape Henlopen High School's Inspire 1 Captures Dewey Beach Delaware

December 4, 2015

There is an expected 400,000 drones to be sold of the holiday season across the United States. I hope all of you are the "lucky ones" that fall into that category. Taking a photograph with a drone is not difficult, so there should be nothing to be afraid of if you have an interest in aerial photography. Safe flying :)


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  • Cape Henlopen High School Jason Fruchtman

    A blog reflecting the thoughts and experiences of the Cape Henlopen High School art students in FruchtmanU, Lewes, Delaware, taught by Jason Fruchtman.

    The focus of FruchtmanU is preparing students for a creative, pleasant and profitable future. The bloggers are specializing in creative technologies.

    Contact FruchtmanU at


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