

February 27, 2015

I grew up eating CHILI CON CARNE.  It was one of my favorite meals as a child.  My mother would send me to the butcher shop where she had an account and I would ask Mr. Geisinger to grind 3 pounds of fresh chuck.  I loved to watch him press the CARNE through the grinder, wrap it in white butcher paper and tie it with a string. I remember the smells, tastes and hungry anticipation as Mother cooked onions and peppers with the fresh CARNE.

My mother, born in South America, spoke Spanish with pleasure and flair and CARNE was one of those words she made sure all four of her children understood.  We learned our lesson well, for CARNE was the centerpiece of every meal in our home as it was when I had children of my own.

This evening, 70 years after those vivid memories in my mother’s kitchen, I made CHILI NO CARNE for dinner.  Why NO CARNE?  Because I’ve learned a NEW lesson—CARNE KILLS!  Sooner or later most of us carnivores will succumb to the diseases caused by its consumption.  From Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic and author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, and from Dean Ornish, M.D., author and founder of THE ORNISH PROGRAM, I learned of the heart disease risks of consuming CARNE.  From T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., of Cornell and author of The China Study, and John Kelly, M.D., author of Stop Feeding Your Cancer, I learned of the cancer risks of consuming CARNE.  From Neal Barnard, M.D., founder and president of The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, I learned of the diabetes and alzheimers risks of consuming CARNE.  From John McDougall, M.D., author of The Starch Solution, I learned of the stroke, obesity and multiple sclerosis risks of consuming CARNE. From the documentary EARTHLINGS ( I learned the importance of animal rights. From the documentary COWSPIRACY ( and from Richard Oppenlander, author of Comfortably Unaware and Food Choice and Sustainability, I learned of the escalating climate crisis and depletion of natural resources as a direct result of human demand for CARNE.

I’m a slow learner.  It took me 70 years and several close calls, before I understood the problem with CARNE. But now that I know, I want everyone else to know.  CARNE in all of its forms (red meat, poultry, sea food, dairy and eggs) is OUT! But veggies, whole grains and beans are IN and that’s all it takes to make the following delicious CHILI NO CARNE. Enjoy!



2-3 Cups prepared no salt kidney beans

1 cup bulgur wheat soaked in 1 cup boiling water

2 cups chopped onion

6-8 cloves garlic minced

1 carrot diced

1 stalk celery diced

2 tsp cumin

2 tsp basil

2 tsp chili powder

Salt, pepper, cayenne to taste

1 bell pepper chopped

28 oz chopped no salt tomatoes

Water saute onion, garlic, carrot, celery and seasonings about 5 minutes

Add bell pepper and saute until all vegetables are tender.

Add beans, soaked bulgur, tomatoes and a cup or 2 of any chopped green (fresh or frozen) to vegetables and simmer over low heat for at least 30 mins.

Add water as needed and adjust seasonings

Garnish with chopped onion or parsley.

  • Dorothy Greet invites you on a journey to amazing good health and vitality through Plant-Based Eating.

    A heart attack turned her life upside down at age 70.

    Now, with a Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, this retired clergywoman teaches free classes to community groups upon request.

    To contact Ms. Greet, email

    For more information on plant-based eating go to

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