I have been the development director of Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation (CHEF) for less than a year; however, during that time I have learned a great deal about the Cape Henlopen School District and I am thrilled to interact with the amazing and talented staff and students each day. In addition, the CHEF board members and I have had the privilege to be a part of many meaningful events that add value to the district on a consistent basis.
Recently, with the capable assistance of Mark Dean from 60 pt design, we launched our new website, CHEF-CAPE.org and updated our Facebook Page. We invite you to take a look at exactly how an educational foundation interacts with a school district. We have had the opportunity to fund amazing ideas that teachers have developed and implemented in their classrooms. Through our teacher grant program, our Cape educators enable students to experience learning in new and exciting ways. Some wonderful examples of these grants can be found on our website.
In addition, with the help of community donors such as AT&T, we proudly fund the Rachel’s Challenge program at the high school. Rachel’s Challenge has been a driving force in creating a positive learning environment for students at the high school. Not only does this program unite peers from all walks of life, but it also teaches them to appreciate each other for their own special talents. In fact students at the high school have created a “chain reaction of kindness”. This chain is evident throughout the halls of the high school in the form of paper chains draped throughout the school noting students’ random acts of kindness.
With the support of our donors who can be found on our new website, CHEF-CAPE.org, we have been able to fund large projects via Teaching Excellence Grants. Some examples of this include CHEF purchasing new IPADS for the Cape Carousel Program. We also were able to step in at the last minute and assist in sending the Cape Chorale Choir to New Orleans for a jazz intensive.
There is so much that we as a community can do to help our school district thrive; our area’s future is directly linked to the success of our schools. If every one of us adopts as a core concept that the public schools truly are the hub and lifeblood of our community, we can ensure that every student gets the best academic experience.