
Dewey Ice Rink

February 20, 2015

Rehoboth Bay is frozen over and from Dewey one cannot see open water anywhere.  The freeze arrived with lines of salt water slush pushed by westerly winds that froze into icy ridges sweeping in toward shore.   I may be one of the few really enjoying this cold weather because it has dramatically changed the coast of Delaware with so much ice creating very nice subjects to photograph.  I'm lovin' it!

  • Tony Pratt is the administrator of the Shoreline and Waterway Management Section of Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. He is a scientist and naturalist, well versed in nature study.

    Pratt is a lifelong photographer who has worked closely with Kevin Fleming since 2007. His interests in photography range from wildlife and landscapes to portraiture work.

    His photography can be seen at and at the Kevin Fleming and Friends Gallery, 239 Rehoboth Ave. in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

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