The Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease is coming to town this summer and lower Delaware is buzzing with excitement. Last night a large group of Beebe Healthcare medical professionals met with Dean Ornish, M.D., the man whose vision and decades of research have resulted in the Ornish Reversal Program. Today I joined members of the community eager to learn more about the program.
What’s all the excitement about? Why is a program that involves no surgery, no pills and no invasive medical procedures arousing so much interest in the medical community? I believe it is because this program addresses the root cause of chronic disease—the STANDARD AMERICAN DIET of meat, dairy and refined foods. At long last healthcare professionals are learning what many of my readers have already known from their own study and practice--that a diet of animal protein and refined foods promotes sickness while a whole food plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits, beans and grains promotes health and wellness
In addition to dietary change, the Ornish Program encourages moderate exercise, stress reduction and community and family support. No one would argue that these program components are unimportant for optimum health, but other doctors in the field of Lifestyle Medicine, such as Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., emphasize the primary importance of dietary change for the prevention and reversal of heart disease. Besides, the same diet that leads to the prevention and reversal of heart disease, also works to prevent and reverse obesity, diabetes, some cancers, and many other health problems.
So here’s my proposal for those who are impatient or on the waiting list to get into the Ornish Program, which can take a maximum of 15 people every 3 months if eligible and covered by Medicare or other insurance or if willing to pay approximately $100/hour for the 72 hours: Plant-Based eating is simple, inexpensive, makes such good sense and it works! With a little reading, coaching and support you can even DO IT YOURSELF (DIY)!
- Watch the film FORKS OVER KNIVES
- Read books by these Lifestyle Medicine doctors and researchers: Neal Barnard, M.D.; Colin Campbell, Ph.D.; Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D.; John McDougall, M.D. and visit their websites.
- Take a class in Plant-Based Eating (4-hr Crash Course, June 15 , Osher Institute of Life Long Learning, Lewes
- Interview someone who practices Plant-Based Eating
- Find a Plant-Based Potluck or start one.
- Walk 30 minutes a day.
- Join a yoga group (free yoga Canalfront Park, Lewes, Sundays 8 am)
- Join a meditation group (St. Peter’s Church, Lewes, Mondays 4-5)
- Breathe deeply