
Don't Blow It, Joe!

December 14, 2016

Dear Mr. Vice President,

Thank you for your hopeful message about the 21st Century Cures Act. While you were presiding over the Senate as it moved forward with this comprehensive health bill to address the prevention and treatment of cancer among other serious health challenges, I was enjoying a holiday luncheon with my yoga friends at a local restaurant. Several of them are Cancer survivors--dear, smart, professional people. And yet all of them ordered Quiche and Creme Brulee not knowing that Cream and Eggs and Cheese are among the most carcinogenic foods consumed by humans. (T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, Cornell , CHINA STUDY and John Kelly, M.D., STOP FEEDING YOUR CANCER and Physicians Committee. for Responsible Medicine) Since Medical doctors do not study nutrition, they are unaware that all animal foods cause rapid cell growth and are problematic for human health. Patients are also unaware unless they have studied the literature and met with nutritionally literate doctors and researchers as I have. You are in a position to save so many lives by highlighting this information. Don't blow it, Joe! Neglect to focus attention on the harm done to human health by the consumption of animal-based foods is criminal.

  • Dorothy Greet invites you on a journey to amazing good health and vitality through Plant-Based Eating.

    A heart attack turned her life upside down at age 70.

    Now, with a Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, this retired clergywoman teaches free classes to community groups upon request.

    To contact Ms. Greet, email

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