
Having a Good Morning in Paynter’s Mill

March 29, 2020

Sunday has always been the one day that Ogre and I had off together - whenever he started a new job, that was the deal he made because he knew I only worked weekdays. Even after opening the comic shop and running our own business that never really lets us take a break, we still do our best to plan activities on Sundays that are different from the daily grind.

Going out to breakfast is a nice treat. I’m not usually a fan of sweet foods in the morning, so I’m always on the lookout for a restaurant that serves good creamed chipped beef.

Imagine my delight when last year not one, but two restaurants in Milton opened up that served chipped beef on Sundays! Gilligan’s even had the creamy goodness on the brunch buffet, but obviously smorgasbords had to end as soon as COVID-19 reared its hungry head. Thank goodness the Good Morning Breakfast Nook in Paynter’s Mill is still offering takeout! Their regular menu has chipped beef cup listed as a side order, so I messaged them through their Facebook page to see if they sell it in larger sizes like they’re offering their soups - and lo and behold, they do!

I ordered on Friday so I’d be able to enjoy the chipped beef all weekend. (And I have - check out the pancake mountain Ogre made me today.) I hadn’t driven down Cave Neck Road in days, so seeing the Paynter’s Mill entrance vibrant with red tulips made my heart so happy. There were a few people with dogs around the wonderful walking path, but everyone was far apart even for social distancing standards. I parked at the same time as another customer going into Good Morning Breakfast Nook, so I took my time to enjoy the surroundings before following him.

Nancy greeted me with a smile, and then Oscar brought the food out that he made from scratch. By that time, I’d already explored the beautiful back window I’d never had a chance to get close to before because there were always people sitting there (and I practiced social distancing long before the coronavirus).

Let the sign in the last photo be your mantra if you’re having doubts about making it through this tough time. We are lucky to live in the Cape Region where the sense of community is so strong. We will survive by safely supporting each other, no matter what the rest of the world may be saying.

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