
A return to night meetings?

January 7, 2014

Are night meetings in Sussex County Council's near future?

Councilwoman Joan Deaver, D-Rehoboth Beach, started off the New Year saying she thinks it's time county council revisited the idea of returning to night meetings. Surprisingly, Councilman Vance Phillips, R-Laurel, supported her idea and wanted to get the matter on next week's agenda. “I think this would serve the public much better,” Deaver said.

There was no action to get the matter on the next agenda, but it's a safe bet it will surface again.

Council has batted this idea back and forth over the years, and at one time had night meetings. Late-night public hearings and paying staff overtime eventually were the killing blows to the idea.

Currently, council meets at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays with land-use public hearings starting at 1:30 p.m.



  • Ron MacArthur has lived and worked in Sussex County all his life. As a journalist for nearly 50 years, he has covered everything from county and town meetings to presidential visits. He also has a unique perspective having served as an elected official and lived on both sides of the county.

    Contact Ron at

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