Sussex County Councilman Sam Wilson, back to council for the first time in nearly two months following heart surgery, had a thing or two to say about the weather. It's a topic that is never too far from his mind.
Wilson, a conservative farmer from Georgetown, was sporting a new mustache at the Jan. 7 meeting; he's also lost 30 pounds during his recovery.
He said global warming and sea-level rise are government deceptions, adding that man has nothing to do with the weather. “Only God knows the weather,” he said.
He said the recent blast of Arctic air only backs up his belief that global warming is a myth.
Wilson said he was glad to get back to work, and he thanked county staff and fellow council members for their support during his hospital stay.
“They tell me when I'm fully recovered, I'll be like a new man,” he said. “I'm looking forward to that because today I'm an old man.”